
Qminity - Connecting locals!

Connecting locals!

The geo-based social network

Qminity shows you what’s hot in your neighbourhood!

Qminity is more than a local news bulletin. We show you what people in your area want to share. So you’re always up to date and get all the important news for your current location. 

This new type of news feed gives you the opportunity to discover your location through the eyes of other users.

Qminity offers you inspiration for your next activity!

With one look at the app, you know what’s happening in your direct vicinity. You can spend time with like-minded people according to your interests.

Swipe through our activities and get in touch with other users. Discuss the final details in the chat and look forward to a very enjoyable time.

Discover Qminity

Download the app now from the App Store or the Google Play Store.

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